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Expedite the Path to Scientific Breakthroughs for the Most Complex and Challenging Problems

Scientists and engineers need flexible, scalable, and expandable real-time prototyping and testing solutions to combine simulation models from various physical domains. These complex applications require powerful hardware that provides different interfaces to meet the requirements of a wide range of physical domains such as electrical, thermal, hydraulic, or mechanical.

Simulink® workflow integration for desktop and real-time simulation and testing enables scientists and engineers to leverage Speedgoat real-time target machines for parameter estimation, virtual commissioning, and performance assessments, or real-time calibration such as algorithm coefficient tuning and performance optimization. Learn more about MATLAB® and Simulink® for Physics.


“The Speedgoat system is intuitive to use. The compatibility with MathWorks® products makes it a user-friendly and powerful tool for motion control testing.”

David Tshilumba, CERN Fellow, Material & Mechanical Engineering Section, CERN


Capabilities for Real-Time Simulation and Testing 


Controls development for a wide range of applications

Use real-time simulation and testing for systems such as custom microscopes or high dynamic double-crystal monochromators in physics research labs. Further applications are large scale multidomain problems such as fusion reactors or large hadron colliders. Leverage the fully integrated workflows of the large and open MATLAB® and Simulink® simulation platform for your projects. The development of swift and accurate controllers for highly dynamic systems has never been easier. Various digital interfaces and state of the art industry interfaces allow generating, capturing, and linking signals while achieving model sampling rates in the MHz range directly from within Simulink®.


⮕ Learn more about Rapid Control Prototyping


Fast and safe real-time testing and evaluation

Safe yet powerful and flexible real-time target computers are crucial for data acquisition and simulation and testing for exploratory lab experiments. Test the functionality, quality, and safety of your experimental setup beyond safely achievable parameters. Furthermore, it is possible to evaluate and test parts of a complex, multi-physics setup in an early stage of the project, allowing you to identify and overcome challenges right away. Simulink® Real-Time™ grants complex Simscape models to run in real-time on multiple CPU cores and FPGAs, making it easy to mimic the physical system's behavior.


⮕ Learn more about Hardware-in-the-Loop



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innovation with a modular controller hardware setup?

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