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Simulate complete diesel, electrical, and hybrid locomotives to accelerate the development of next-generation railway controls and communication systems

Rapidly develop high-fidelity real-time control applications for vehicle control units (VCUs) or traction control units (TCUs). Quickly implement localization and motion planning, including Multifunction Vehicle Bus (MVB) and Wire Train Bus (WTB) networks, to accelerate innovation and testing of next-generation railway systems.

Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of physical systems, including the powertrain, vehicle dynamics, and power electronics, enables automated testing of VCUs and simulations of different measurement or fault scenarios for predictive maintenance. Speedgoat solutions enable engineers to accelerate innovation and testing of next-generation designs, improving reliability, train network efficiency, and passenger experience.

“With the Speedgoat system, we can seamlessly reuse Simulink® and Simscape™ models in a HIL environment. The process of improving and update these HIL simulators is faster than before, allowing us to increase the quality of our production software while reducing the development time and effort.”

Ion Larrañaga, Head of SW R&D CAF, Power & Automation


Capabilities for Real-Time Simulation and Testing


Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) of next generation control units

MATLAB® and Simulink® Real-Time™ enable you to rapidly build, run, and test novel control strategies for your vehicle control units (VCUs), traction control units (TCUs) or Automatic Train Operation (ATO).


⮕ Learn more about RCP


Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) simulation of complete vehicles and vehicle components

Emulate your complete physical vehicle, including electrical, mechanical, and hydraulic components. Simulate complex models in real-time, including MVB and WTB communication protocols, to validate traction control management systems and replay test data from real measurements. Test and verify operating and fault conditions, including electrical faults and grid transients.


⮕ Learn more about HIL



Innovative Next-Generation Applications



Product Highlights for Railway


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